Create a new rule

What is a rule?

MythicChanger is a plugin for modifying items, and which items need to be modified and what they look like are determined by each rule.

Rule Configs

All rules are existed at plugins/rules folder, you can copy default.yml to rename it to other words to create a new rule.

weight: 15

# If you want to all item apply this rule, just delete whole match_item section.
    - 'diamond_sword'
  # Whether you use item tier instead of item ID to identify item slots.
  # If this item plugin don't have tier, will still use Item ID as identify.
  #use-tier-identify: true
  #has-name: true
  #has-lore: true
  #  - 'test'
  #  - 'test'

  add-name-first: '&fGood '
  #set-name: '&fGood Diamond Sword'
  #  - '&f&lCommon'
  #  - '&7A good sword that all adventures should use!'
  #  - '&f&lCommon'
  #  - '%img_tooltip1%'
  #set-custom-model-data: 5

  #  - 'POWER'
  #remove-all-enchants: true
  #  POWER: 3
  #  material: golden_sword
  - 'message: &#98FB98[MythicChanger] &fChanged item!'

  - 'permission: mythicchanger.admin'
  • weight option represents this rule apply weight.

  • match-item option represents which items will trigger this rule.

  • fake-changes option represents what content will be modified at the client level if triggered. Please note that the modified content is only valid for the client. For the server, these modifications are false and have not actually taken effect.

  • The modification of real-changes option is genuine and effective, and both the client and server will accept this modification. real-changes modification of changes is not immediate. Players need to interact with items before making any changes, such as dropping them on the ground and picking them up.

  • real-change-actions option represents the action will executed when we running real changes. PREMIUM VERSION ONLY.

  • conditions option represents players must meet those conditions to apply this rule. PREMIUM VERSION ONLY.

  • If you don't want to make fake or real change, you need delete the whole section instead of put empty value there!

Last updated