Full Config.yml file

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# MythicChanger by @PQguanfang
# Read the Wiki here: https://mythicchanger.superiormc.cn/

debug: false

  language: en_US
  # Premium version only.
    # After enable, we will autoload Minecraft locate file when we need know an item's locate name.
    # It will make server little lag when loading this file because this file is very large.
    enabled: true
    generate-new-one: false
    file: 'zh_cn.json'

# Paper only feature.
  message: false
  # Only for Item Format for now, does not support item modify in rule.
  item: false

    enabled: true
    enabled: true

# Some change rules do not support real change perfectly.
# For example, add-name-first rule require you also set contains-name rule.
# Otherwise, each time you interact with this item, the name of it will have additional content added due to this rule.
# Like: 'Good Good Good Good Good Diamond Sword' if you set add-name-first: 'Good' and interact with this item 5 times.
bypass-real-change-limit: false

# Some change rules have incompatibility issues with other packet-based item plugins.
# Like our EnchantmentSlots, and Auxilor plugins (EcoItems, EcoEnchants, ect.)
ignore-fake-change-warning: false

# You can override the weight values set by the plugin for each rule here. The higher the weight value, the earlier the rule will be executed.
# The default value of the plugin is a carefully considered and reasonably configured value.
# Please do not modify the value here unless you know what you are doing.
  add-enchants: 2
  add-flags: 3
  add-lore-first: 11
  add-lore-last: 12
  add-lore-prefix: 13
  add-name-first: 21
  add-name-last: 22
  add-nbt-byte: 203
  add-nbt-double: 202
  add-nbt-int: 201
  add-nbt-string: 200
  edit-item: 1
  fix-hide-attributes: 1500
  keep-damage: -250
  keep-enchants: -251
  keep-flags: -252
  keep-item-name: -253
  keep-lore: -254
  keep-name: -255
  edit-lore: 14
  parse-papi-lore: 500
  parse-papi-name: 501
  remove-all-enchants: -198
  remove-enchants: -197
  remove-flags: -196
  remove-nbt: -199
  replace-enchants: -203
  replace-item: 1000
  replace-lore: 9
  set-color: 150
  set-custom-model-data: 5
  set-lore: 6
  set-name: 7
  set-type: 60

# Premium version only.
  title: 'Change your item!'
  size: 27
  item-slot: 11
  book-slot: 15
  confirm-slot: 22
    material: ANVIL
    name: '&eConfirm'
      - '&7Click to confirm change the item!'
      material: PAPER
      name: '&bDrag the item you want change below.'
      material: BOOK
      name: '&bDrag the apply item below.'
  close-if-fail: true

# Premium version only.
# Support value: GUI, DRAG
# GUI mode is in EARLY ALPHA TEST, be careful to use!
apply-item-mode: DRAG

# Premium version only.
    material: PAPER
    name: '&fItem Skin &8(Diamond Sword)'
      - '&7Drag this item onto the item you want to apply.'
    apply-rule: example
    # After apply real change, the item can no longer be rollback.
    apply-real-change: false
        - 'diamond_sword'
    material: BOOK
    name: '&fRollback book'
      - '&7Drag this item onto the item you want to rollback its apply.'
    apply-rule: deapply # This means deapply, not rule ID.

Last updated