
Rule determines which items need to be modified and what they look like are determined by each rule in Auto Match&Change feature.

Rule Configs

All rules are existed at rules folder, you can copy default.yml to rename it to other words to create a new rule.

weight: 15

only-in-player-inventory: true

# If you want to all item apply this rule, just delete whole match_item section.
    - 'diamond_sword'
  # Whether you use item tier instead of item ID to identify item slots.
  # If this item plugin don't have tier, will still use Item ID as identify.
  #use-tier-identify: true
  #has-name: true
  #has-lore: true
  #  - 'test'
  #  - 'test'

  add-name-first: '&fGood '
  #set-name: '&fGood Diamond Sword'
  #  - '&f&lCommon'
  #  - '&7A good sword that all adventures should use!'
  #  - '&f&lCommon'
  #  - '%img_tooltip1%'
  #set-custom-model-data: 5

  #  - 'POWER'
  #remove-all-enchants: true
  #  POWER: 3
  #  material: golden_sword
    type: message
    message: '&#98FB98[MythicChanger] &fChanged item!'

    type: permission
    permission: 'mythicchanger.admin'

General Options

  • weight option represents this rule apply weight.

  • match-item option represents which items will trigger this rule.

  • fake-changes option represents what content will be modified at the client level.

  • real-changes option represents what content will be modified both in the client and server.

  • real-change-actions option represents the action will executed when we applying real changes. Use Action Format here, for more info, please view Format page. PREMIUM VERSION ONLY.

  • conditions option represents players must meet those conditions to apply this rule. Use Condition Format here, for more info, please view Format page. PREMIUM VERSION ONLY.

  • If you don't want to make fake or real change, you need delete the whole section instead of put empty value there!

Last updated