🪄Apply Item

For 2.1.0+: Free version can only create up to 3 apply items, please consider buy the premium version if you want to more.

Apply item configs

All apply items are saved in apply_items folder, an example file is here:

# Display Item
  material: PAPER
  name: '&#da8f87Attribute Scroll &7(Attack Damage &a+0.5&7)'
    - '&8Scroll'
    - ''
    - '&7Drag any &cswords or axes &7onto this item to'
    - '&7make its &bAttack Damage &7value &a+0.5&7.'
    - '&7Up to value &410&7 can be upgraded.'
    - ''
    - '&bSuccess Rate: &a50%'
    - '&a&lRare'
  max-stack: 1
# Chance, Up to 100
chance: 50
# Rule Configs
      name: attack_damage 
      amount: '0.5'
      operation: ADD_NUMBER 
      slot: HAND 

# Match Item
    - swords

# Conditions
    type: placeholder
    rule: '<'
    placeholder: '{item_attributes.ATTACK_DAMAGE.amount;;0}'
    value: 10
# Actions
    type: message
    message: '&fCool, it looks like magic is showing off, your {name} &fis more powerful now!'
    type: message
    message: '&fOh, no! Seems that this time you are now very lucky, the scroll broken, nothing changed!'

General Options

We have those options for apply item!

  • display-item: The display item of this apply item. Should use Item Format here.

  • match-item: Read Match Rules page for more info, which item can use this apply item, if removed, all items can use this apply item.

  • chance: The chance of the apply item be success to use. Can set a number from 0 to 100 here.

  • success-actions/fail-actions: The success/fail actions will executed after player use this apply item. Use Action Format here, for more info, please view Format page.

  • conditions: The conditions player should meet to use the apply item. Use Condition Format here, for more info, please view this page.

Apply item types and their specific options

There 2 types of apply items, different type of apply item have different specific options:

  • Apply item based on rules. This means after use apply item, even this item do not meet match requirements of this rule configs, it will still be changed. Supports fake change and real change.

    • apply-rule: Which rule config will use after applied this item.

    • apply-real-change: Whether also apply rule's real changes.

  • Apply item has it's own changes. This means after use apply item, we will change this item by the apply item config, this only supports real change.

    • real-changes: Set the real change after use this apply item.

Let the apply item only use the same item once

Start from 2.1.0, we won't prevent player use same apply item repeatly, if you want to this apply rule can only be used for each item once, you need add contains-apply rule at match-item section. Like:

# <Other part of this apply item config>
    - '<Write Apply Item ID here'

Deapply - Premium

Want to rollback your modified item? This example apply item can help you!

material: BOOK
name: '&fRollback book'
  - '&7Drag this item onto the item you want to rollback its apply.'
  deapply: true
  has-apply: true
  • You MUST set apply-real-change option to false in apply items config.

  • This won't work for REAL CHANGE items.

Apply Limit - Premium

By default, each item can only use 1 apply item, but, you can use new apply item system to avoid that.

  • You can use set-apply-limit, add-apply-limit, reset-apply-limit change rules to edit item's apply item.

  • Another way is use command /mc setlimit <amount> to edit your hold item's apply item. Then use /mc saveitem <itemID> command, after that, you can use /mc givesaveitem <itemID> command to give the item you edited.

Last updated