The plugin generates the following configuration files, some of which will only be generated after you first use this feature.
items: The location for storing saved item files. It will only be generated after save any item with /mc saveitem command. Do not modify any content here.
languages: The location for storing language files. You can set the language file used by the plugin through the config-files.language option in the config.yml file. You can customize various messages within the plugin game through language files. It is not supported to display the corresponding language file based on the player client language. You can only display the same language for all players.
rules: The location for storing Auto Match & Change feature's configuration files.
apply_items: The location for storing Apply Item configuration files. Drag Change / GUI Change feature requires you consume Apply Item to apply item change onto specifed items.
config.yml file: The location for main common settings for plugins.
generated-item-format.yml file: When using the /mc generateeitemformat command, we will parse the item you are holding into an ItemFormat and store the parsed ItemFormat content in this file.
XX_xx.json file: Localized files automatically generated through Localized Item Name feature. The name of this file is determined based on the localized language you have set for this feature, but it usually ends in . json.
Config.yml file content
It is recommend that you view this file at GitHub, becuase Wiki's config.yml maybe not latest. Click here to view this file on Github.
# MythicChanger by @PQguanfang
# Read the Wiki here:
debug: false
# If you just want to use our match item feature without any need of change item,
# you can disable this option to improve plugin performance and disable auto item change feature.
packet-listener: true
# ProtocolLib Support value:
# LOWEST(0),
# LOW(1),
# NORMAL(2),
# HIGH(3),
# The value after the value just a number help you know it's level, do not type them in option.
packet-listener-priority: LOWEST
language: en_US
# Premium version only.
# After enable, we will autoload Minecraft locate file when we need know an item's locate name.
# It will make server little lag when loading this file because this file is very large.
enabled: true
generate-new-one: false
file: 'zh_cn.json'
# Paper only feature.
save-item: true
skull: true
message: false
# Only for Item Format for now, does not support item modify in rule.
item: false
enabled: true
scale: 2
enabled: true
enabled: true
# Some change rules do not support real change perfectly.
# For example, add-name-first rule require you also set contains-name rule.
# Otherwise, each time you interact with this item, the name of it will have additional content added due to this rule.
# Like: 'Good Good Good Good Good Diamond Sword' if you set add-name-first: 'Good' and interact with this item 5 times.
bypass-real-change-limit: false
ignore-warning: false
# Whether we keep item name to original in anvil name.
keep-name-in-anvil: true
# Whether only-in-player-inventory option in each rule only checks chest UI.
check-chests-only: true
# Whether contains name and contains lore match rule will ignore color codes.
ignore-color-code: false
# You can override the weight values set by the plugin for each rule here. The higher the weight value, the earlier the rule will be executed.
# The default value of the plugin is a carefully considered and reasonably configured value.
# Please do not modify the value here unless you know what you are doing.
add-enchants: 2
add-attributes: 5
add-flags: 3
add-lore-first: 11
add-lore-last: 12
add-lore-prefix: 13
add-name-first: 21
add-name-last: 22
add-nbt-byte: 203
add-nbt-double: 202
add-nbt-int: 201
add-nbt-string: 200
edit-item: 1
fix-hide-attributes: 1500
keep-damage: -250
keep-enchants: -251
keep-flags: -252
keep-item-name: -253
keep-lore: -254
keep-name: -255
edit-lore: 14
parse-papi-lore: 500
parse-papi-name: 501
random-change: 1002
remove-name: -300
remove-all-lore: -301
remove-all-enchants: -198
remove-enchants: -197
remove-flags: -196
remove-nbt: -199
replace-enchants: -203
replace-item: 1000
replace-random-item: 1001
replace-lore: 9
replace-name: 8
set-color: 150
set-custom-model-data: 5
set-lore: 6
set-name: 7
set-type: 60
set-amount: 59
deapply: 61
mi-update-lore: 115
# Premium version only.
title: 'Change your item!'
size: 27
item-slot: 11
book-slot: 15
confirm-slot: 22
material: ANVIL
name: '&eConfirm'
- '&7Click to confirm change the item!'
material: PAPER
name: '&bDrag the item you want change below.'
material: BOOK
name: '&bDrag the apply item below.'
close-if-fail: true
# Premium version only.
# Support value: GUI, DRAG
# GUI mode is in EARLY ALPHA TEST, be careful to use!
# Require server restart.
apply-item-mode: DRAG
default-apply-item-limit: 1