⚡Powerful Item Placeholders

Where can I use them?

  • In MythicChanger itself, you can use powerful item placeholders at fake or real changes's config. Like this:

    sharpness: '{item_enchants.sharpness;;0} + 1'
  • You can also use them at actions or conditions set in MythicChanger.

  • Not all! You can use them at other item plugins that not packet based in lore! Just use parse-papi-lore change rule do it! Use this rule in fake changes only!

Placeholder List

  • {name}

  • {original-name} - The original item name, which means the item changed before.

  • {amount}

  • {max-stack}

  • {item_<Item Format Key>;;<Default Value>} - Get the value of the item's specified Item Format value. You can use command /mc generateitemformat to view hold item's Item Format. (Premium)

  • {nbt_<NBT Key>;;<Default Value>} - Get the value of the item's specified Custom NBT value. You can use command /mc viewnbt to view hold item's Custom NBT. (Premium, require NBTAPI)

  • ALL PLACEHOLDERAPI placeholders!


You can use placeholders and Math Calculate Format in change configs! Just set math.enabled option to true in config.yml file and then enjoy!

Last updated