Apply Item - Premium

Sometimes you want players to modify their items independently, and this feature is born. Players can modify items through the Apply Item instead of using the matching rules set in the rule configuration.

You can those item by this feature:

  • Item Skiner - By set-custom-model-data, set-color rule.

  • Deenchanter Item - By remove-all-enchants rule. Require real-changes. This will remove all enchantments.

  • Name Changer - By set-name rule.

Create new apply item

Open config.yml, and find those contents:

# Premium version only
  A: # Item ID
    material: PAPER
    custom-model-data: 5
    name: '&fItem Skin'
      - '&7Drag this item onto the item you want to apply.'
    apply-rule: example
    # After apply real change, the item can no longer be rollback.
    apply-real-change: false
        - 'diamond_sword'
  B: # Item ID
    material: BOOK
    name: '&fRollback book'
      - '&7Drag this item onto the item you want to rollback its apply.'
    apply-rule: deapply

Support use Item Format, read UltimateShop wiki for more info.

  • apply-rule: Which rule config will use after applied this item.

  • apply-real-change: Whether also apply rule's real changes.

  • match-item: Read Match Rules page for more info, which item can use this apply item, if removed, all items can use this apply item.


Want to rollback your modified item? Change apply-rule option value to deapply can do it!

  • You MUST set apply-real-change option to false in apply items config.

  • This won't work for REAL CHANGE items.

Use Method

We support 2 apply item use method, you can set it at config.yml with apply-item-mode.

  • GUI: Apply items will use in /mc openchangegui. (In early alpha)

  • Drag: Drag the apply item to the item you want to changed.

This option change require server restart.

Last updated